Step 7: Implement your plan of action

An advocacy strategy plan should factor in all the elements described in the previous sections; it details what needs to be done, when, by whom and what resources or materials may be required will help coordinate all campaign elements.

TOOL 5 -Advocacy Strategy Schedule Worksheet - Checklist

Visualize your advocacy strategy and ideas into a sketch for a program using this Schedule Worksheet. List key activities at each phase on the left. On the right plot your own program timeline.

Key activities To DO



1. Problem Analysis

Create a Problem Tree
Identify the problems – analyze the cause effects relationship

2. Objectives Analysis

Identification of goals and objectives
Establishment of a short term and measurable objective

3. Identification of target audience

Create an audience map

4. Design and develop an advocacy strategy

5. Design your messages

Create messages to influence your target audiences

6. Implement your advocacy plan

7. Engage Media Interest

8. Monitor and Evaluate your plan

Step 6: Develop and implement an advocacy strategy
Step 8: Monitoring and evaluation / Useful tools

Advocacy Handbook

A practical guide to successful advocacy on prison education